Christine M. Belsches Memorial Scholarship Application

The Christine M. Belsches Memorial Scholarship fund was established in 2015 as a memorial to Christine M. Belsches to provide financial assistance for ongoing educational opportunities. Christine was a long-time member of Gregory Memorial and very much valued furthering the education of her own children. Her son Alan stated, “she skimped and saved so that we would be able to continue our education.” The scholarship is a way to honor her memory, a tribute to his mother who struggled and worked hard to make sure he and his brother were able to go to college.

Eligible applicants include members of Gregory Memorial Presbyterian Church, children and grandchildren of members of Gregory, and friends of Gregory who are actively involved and engaged in the church within the Tri-cities area.

Awards are determined by the applicant’s needs, the number of applicants and the amount available for distribution. Applications will be accepted from February 1st to May 31st for fall semester and awarded prior to start of fall semester; and August 1st to November 30th for spring semester and awarded prior to spring semester.

Recipients are not obligated to repay these scholarships. They are awarded in love as part of our Christian ministry. However, we encourage former recipients, as well as others to contribute to this fund. All gifts (memorials, etc.) would be invested as part of the principal; thus, the initial gift is perpetuated, and interest only will be awarded.

If a person chooses to contribute to this fund or memorials are given to this fund, a notation on the check or in writing must accompany the check. All gifts and memorials will be acknowledged, and parties involved will be notified.

All applications will be handled on an individual basis. If you have any questions about the scholarship, please contact us by mail or email.

Our mailing address is:
        Gregory Memorial Presbyterian Church
        PO Box 182, Attention: Christine Belsches Scholarship Committee
        Prince George, VA 23875

Our email address is:
        Please include in subject line: Christine Belsches Scholarship Application

Apply for a scholarship by filling out the following form: